Sunway Lagoon o(∩_∩)o

Lalaalaaa ~~
yesterday went to
Sunway Lagoon theme park

so dare am I lo weii
cuz Monday got exam
is Bio summore *sigh*
as Im the scholar
I nid to get average of 60% for the all subject
for is damn hard dohh
so I jus take it as relaxing my mind baa * guilty * >.<

I woke up very early nerh..
prepared all those clothes
den arrive to the destination..

with my babe,Ryan,Chris,Christine and 100plus

Waaa...nv though tat today got so many ppl at Sunway Lagoon o
Sunway's boss sure very rich de laa..haha

this is the map of the whole Sunway Lagoon Theme Park
quite big de o..
devided into 5 parks

we jus go for water park and amusement park
cost RM48 nerh...expensive rite?
Luckily MyCard can save 20%
or not nid to pay RM60 ad lor

✖ this is the ticket for Sunway Lagoon ✖
is a watch
special izit??

After put our stuff into the locker
we go and play ad luu..
we swim+walk along the liver
seem like a big longkang

the longkang is the 1st pic n the lowest pic
quite fun de nerh
got my darbe with me = extremely fun
* happy happy *

✖ this is the tube raider ✖
got 3 types
I though very scary de tim
Actulay is nth wan o..
but me n dar screamed the loudest

I like wan very exciting ^-^

✖ I like this wan the most lor..✖
we play many times weii
the fattest wan wil slide till very far de wor
Ryan is the 1st place..hoho

Only me, dar n 100plus played this
Christine Chris and Ryan duno go where ad >.<

After played for many hours
morning til 5pm >.<
Den we go for the amusement park


I scare the  corsair 【海盗船】[ pirate revenge ]  the most
turn 360 degree de lor..
and stop at upside there a few second tim
nearly wan cry ad lor =(

Seee ~
when stopped at there
my heart wan jump out ad stil scareee

This roller coaster made my jaw hurt =.=''
so dangerous dohh
I nearly wan fly out ad
the safety belt so loose de a..
luckily I hold my babe tight tight =)

6pm ad..
closing time for the theme park
is tme to going back ad..
damn tired de nerh
back to reality tat I nid to face my exam
Stress + stress + stress

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