Human Firecrackers ♥

Last Sunday went for a TV commercial which is directed from Euro RSCG.
Our collage PJCAD join this TV commercial and I am one of it.
We reached the field near our college at 7.00 am. Is 7.00am on Sunday. =.=
And I not yet sleep, lucily Im not faint off that day. Cuz we were taking the video under the hot sun. If the sun is covered by the cloud we need to wait it out just can continue =(

Im the one that wearing blueT =)

My senior. CUTE 

Recording the sound for firecrackers.

Do you see me? Im under the arrow =)

Preparing for the real shot.

This is the outcome. Quite funny actually.
 But we tried hard under the hot sun for 4 to 5 hours.
Hehe..not bad right =]

Actually I curi-curi went back for the last shot.Cuz I feel sick, stay too long under the hot sun already. fml =( Then I asked my dear come n fetch me. So the video don't have me. Just got my ' PrapPrapp' sound only >.< Haha..nevermind least I joined =D
Having holiday now. Wee :-)
Wish you all have a Happy Chinese New year and get a lots of AngPau !! xD

80塊錢的處女 ♥ [轉載: Hila-licious]

This story is quite long. But I hope you all will finish it is really worth to spend some time to read through. Im sure you will get shock in the end of the story =)

傍晚,餘輝如金,把天空鍍成織錦一般,臨海的一家肯德雞店裡,我倚著椅背,欣賞著落地窗外的風景。突然,耳邊傳來一個男人的溫和的聲音:“小姐,我們可以 聊聊天嗎?”我下了一跳,有點惱的望過去,卻觸到一對清澈含笑的眼睛。 我打量他,高大的身材配一張耐看的臉,穿著一身質地良好的休閒杉和長褲,給人的感覺熨帖而清爽,我唇角一彎,邪笑:“我的男朋友馬上就來了,你還和我聊 嗎?”“當然和你聊了,因為你根本就沒有男朋友?”他大方的坐在我的面前。肆無忌憚地盯著我說:“我已經注意你很久了,沒有女孩在等男朋友的心情會這麼懶 散。”我露出貝齒,甜甜地笑了。這個男孩的精明讓我感到陡生,我愉快的和他聊了起來。 就這樣,我認識了安傑,一家電腦公司的工程師。我們第二次見面,他的手上捧著一束馬蹄蓮,用綠色的素紙包著,映著他深情如酒的微笑。









與安傑同居的第60天,他帶我去南昌老家拜見了他的父母。在他的父母面前,安傑毫不掩飾與我的親昵,攬腰、摟肩,使明眼的父母一眼看穿了我們的關係。臨走 時,安傑母親塞給我一個小錦盒,打開看,是一枚色澤久遠的祖母綠的戒指,不知所措間,安傑的母親和藹的安撫我:“這是我們家的傳家寶,是傳給兒媳婦的。” 安傑立在一邊,笑眯眯地望著。 戴上安傑家的的傳家戒指,我開始憧憬與安傑的婚禮。西式的教堂,簇眼的鮮花,及一對身穿著婚紗禮服的壁人,踩著音樂,在神父和祝福的親朋面前莊嚴起誓:無 論貧窮富有,健康疾病,我們不離不棄。安傑則嚮往去海底舉行婚禮,身著潛水服,在海洋裡與無數奇奇怪怪的魚共舞。那種感覺,多妙 !


安傑走了,偌大的房子就只剩下寂寞的我。生活猶如被抽走了陽光和空氣,沉悶至極。早晨醒來,身邊空蕩蕩的,便無一點做早餐的興致。晚上,不敢看那些恐怖的 鬼片,因為沒有安傑寬厚安全的懷可鑽。安傑的電話總會在深夜十點準時響起,親昵的稀釋著我寂寞的心。但思念如野草般瘋長,安傑離開我一個月後,我期期艾艾 的說:“安傑,離開我了我才知道你對我有多重要。等你回家了,我們結婚好不好,我總有一種擔心,擔心時間會離間我們。”安傑心疼的說:“好,等我一回家, 我們就結婚。”


安傑工作期前半個月,每天例行的電話時常會中斷。問他原因,他說工作即將收尾,要做的事情很多。我信了,囑咐的他多休息。臨了,撒嬌的說:“安傑,我已經 看好一套水晶之戀婚紗照,很不錯,還有很多優惠服務呢。”安傑淡淡“哦”了一聲。安傑的淡然讓我閃出一絲不安。但很快的我又笑自己神經質。撫著安傑家的祖 傳戒指,我幸福的對自己說:小如,你快要做美麗新娘了。







女孩被搶救了過來,蒼白的臉,靜靜地打著點滴。她的手緊緊的握著安傑的手,弱弱的哀求:“安傑,你怎麼可以這樣對我不負責任?我求你了,不要拋棄我。” 安傑吻著他無骨般的小手,眼睛裡盛滿了愛憐:“好,我不會離開你了。”我退了出去,那一幕,如刀般插在我的心間。

安傑從裡面走了出來,說:“她睡著了。”我再也無法平靜,眼睛噴了火,逼視著他。安傑垂下頭,說了他們的故事。那個女孩叫紫竹,在武漢,他們在同一所大廈 上班。電梯裡相遇多了,就成了一起喝茶聊天的朋友。他們認識的一個月後,有一個晚上,兩人在一起喝了很多的酒,就發生了不該發生的故事。








安傑的婚禮在一個月後舉行的。那天,我跑到酒吧,買醉。往事種種已成過眼雲煙,,婚紗照自然沒有去取,祖傳戒指我也還給了他,婚照、祖傳戒指都套不住愛 情。套住安傑的最終還是紫竹的貞操。喝到醉眼惺忪時,我在酒吧破口大駡,罵男人混蛋、偽君子、騙子。所有的男人都望著我,驚奇的,戲謔的,曖昧的,什麼眼 神都有。那一刻,我覺得自己極像個殘花敗柳。

幾個月後,我去超市採購食物。轉了幾圈,竟遇上安傑和他的妻子——紫竹,他們在選購嬰婦用品。見了我,安傑臉色訕訕的,畢竟他對我還是有一絲愧疚的。略有 發胖的紫竹偎著安傑,一臉幸福的笑:“我懷孕了,寶寶快三個月了。”“哦,祝福你們”雖然恨著,但我還是對他們擠出了一朵微笑。
紫竹被我們送到了醫院,病房外,安傑煩躁的抽著煙。來來回回的走著怨著:“都怪我,不該讓她為我沖咖啡。她懷孕了,怎麼能去沖咖啡呢?”看著他對紫竹的心 疼,我狠不得沖上去喊:只不過是懷孕而已,連沖個咖啡都不可以嗎?但嘴上卻安慰他說:“放心吧,有那麼好的醫生,紫竹不會有事的。”醫生出來了,說胎兒保 住了。安傑長長的松了口氣。突然,醫生皺著眉說:“你們男人總是不懂憐惜妻子,她到底做了多少次人流啊,子宮薄得幾乎沒有能力保護胎兒。”


What do you think about this story?
Give some comment..

Im sure that LOVE is not enough to maintain a relationship.

Lalala ♥

18/1 Tuesday went to Ampang Forest. Just took a few photo >.<
Actually nothing there, I just saw some monkey =.=
Then Mr.Peter asked us play water in the river =.=
Girl chit-chating while the boys play water.

My friend told me this world got dragon!!!! She said she saw dragon before, and keep a dragon as pet too. Really unbelieveable!!! Only herself can see it only. I keep wondering if I can see a dragon too. >.<
She said the dragon wont let people see them one wor. I think in a million of people only one got chances to see them. They even can communicate with each other. Oh gosh! This is too mystical. She saw thousands of dragon before and she saw water dragon too. Im so JEALOUS to her. Arghhh...I think sure got a lots of people wont believe it. But I think this world really got dragon ba. Our world is too supernatural thou =)


19/1 Wednesday went to Petronas Gallery. Cant take photo there.
Sir asked us draw the artworks at there. I simple draw a few chairs. My drawing suck =(
I saw one of my classmate's figure drawing very very damn nice. Jealous aghhh!!!!!
This is one of his best figure drawing. Damn real right?

Yorrr...I keep saying OMG OMG when saw his drawing. Haiz..gonna work harder. =(

Royal Selangor ♥

Today went to Selangor Pewter with my classmates. Is an icebreaking actually. Quite effective =)
Closer and know better among the classmates.Tehe.

I took a lots of photo. =D

Main entrance.
My classmates.

This is the currency used last time.There are crocodile, elephant, money trees.
They are made from tin.

See..need 5 person to balance it. Their average are 50kg.Haha..

Frames made from pewter.

Took by Mr. Martin =)

Below are the products. All are very expensive doh @@

This 3.5k =.=
But very nice.

I like this. =D

Walk till my leg very pain.
Once I reach home. I straight lying on my bed. ^^

Next visit to Petronas Gallery at KLCC.
Stay tune =)

Aspirin and Honey Mask ♥

Do you have issues with acne, clogged pores and scars on ur face? I found out a best way and cheapest way to cure the problems. And yet it is proven and very effective =]

An aspirin and honey mask will effectively moisturize and exfoliate your skin to unclog your pores. You just need to buy aspirin and honey and it wont cost you a lots. If you dislike honey you can replace with yogurt too.

 This is the aspirin I'm using. You can get it at watson, guardian or other pharmacy outlets.It only costs about RM10.90. I think this is the only aspirin that sells in the market, as I only found this type =.=

1.Wash and dry your face.

2.Place 3-4 aspirin tablets in the palm of your hand. And mix it with just enough water to make a paste and  it will start to disenegrate on it's own.

3.Squeeze a generous amount of honey onto the aspirin paste. Mix it up in your palm with your fingers.

4.Apply the honey and aspirin mixture onto your face, one section at a time. Avoid the eyes and lips areas.
5.Allow the mask to dry for 15 to 20 minutes.
6.Gently wash off the mask with water, moving your hands in circular, light motions. Pat dry lightly with a clean towel.

I would like to use this hydrating mask after the aspirin mask as it is a bit dry. So you can use it to moisturise ur skin. Or you can use the hydrating mask that you already have [ Save money =) ]

My hydrating mask.

I promise you, when you washed this off, YOU WILL FEEL A MAJOR DIFFERENCE ON YOUR SKIN! It will feel soft to the touch. Love it =)
I hope this is helpful to all of you.

Note !!
Don't use the aspirin alone as it will dry your skin. Must add some honey or yogurt.
Use the aspirin honey mask once or twice a week regularly for the best results. Do not use it every day, as aspirin can dry some skin types.
Do not apply too close to the eyes, lips or nostrils. The aspirin mask has flakes that may come off, so be careful when applying it around the eyes and nose.

New life ♥

Today is the first day to my NEW college. As before this I was taking STPM in TARC.
I think my result wont fit me in dentistry or pharmacy =(
So I dont want to waste my time anymore as I know I wont get 4 flat >.< So I join Graphic Design [which is my love^^] in PJCAD of Inti college.

I feel so excited to meet my new classmates.But but idk why I got no dare to speak with others.No word speak out. I'm SHY!!
But after mix around, you will know I am very talkative =P

My orientation MONTH. Although the whole month is orientation but got project for us. We need to take picture during the trips.
Last day need to do presentation >.<
But got a lot of trips ^^
One week three days go for class only. I think I will find a part time job. Hmm..earn some money for CNY =)

Photography for tomorrow. 
Stay tune for pictures xD

Countdown 1111 at Sunway Pyramid ♥

Happy New Year!!! 
Now already 2011 , it's gonna be a good year =)
Cheerr~!!!! ^^

I want go Genting countdown de leh but the traffic is very very damn f*** jam.So we decided go pyramid countdown. >.<

There are very crowded too.


Don't kiss Elaine!!! =)

Cute Elaine ^^ 

Dear !!!!! =P

Alex ~~ many spray bottles. =.=

I want sleep liao..
Nitez nite =D

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